South Windsor
Education Association
The Latest...
Early Educator conference
Designed specifically for early career educators but open to all CEA members and CEA Aspiring Educators, this professional learning day will help you become more confident in your skills as a teacher and an advocate for your students. Plan to attend this free, information-packed conference. Take a look at the brochure
Register here
CEA Retirement Workshops
EA is offering retirement workshops to help navigate the complicated post-teaching world. The workshops offer help understanding and planning your retirement. The following dates are the workshops offered this school year.
Click on a date to access information and registration forms
Monday, February 10th at 4:00 (virtual)
Wednesday, February 26th at 4:00 (virtual)
County-palooza by CEA
What’s a CountyPalooza? It’s a way to stay informed put forth by CEA. Gather virtually on January 28th from 5:30 - 7:00 for an all-state event complete with time to discuss the newly signed Social Security legislation.
Click here to register
Signed into law!!
President Biden on Sunday signed legislation expanding Social Security benefits for millions by repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO).
Click here for more info
Click here for CEA Report
swea holiday event 2024
Thank you all for joining our holiday party, your presence made the celebration truly special! Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season.
Warm Regards,
Your SWEA Team
annual food & Fuel Bank Donation
Once again SWEA is elated to team up with Andrea Cofrancesco and donate $2000 to
SW Food and Fuel.
new commitee opportunity
This group will brainstorm and explore creative ways to raise funds for our annual SWEA scholarships, making a real difference for students in need.
If you’re full of ideas (or just love being part of a great cause), this is your chance to jump in and make an impact.
No experience needed—just enthusiasm!
Anyone interested just reach out to Jay Grosso for more details.
Who doesn't like teacher discounts? Click below to see the many discounts offered by CEA to its members spanning all genre's of interest.
Save on Ski Trips, Sporting Events, Shows, Museum Memberships, and More.
Free life insurance as nea Member
All CEA members are eligible to receive NEA Complimentary Life Insurance at no cost. Click Here for more information
Click the link above to see a school-year's worth of events planned by CEA for members.
Teaching Certificate Renewal
Below are instructions, forms and tutorials from the CT Department of Education for those needing to renew their teaching certificate.
You will need your login to the CT Educator Certification System (C.E.C.S.)
Welcome back To the 2024-2025
school year
school year
Hello and welcome back everyone!
Let's make this another successful year filled with exciting, productive, and inspiring moments.
Thank you & goodluck retiree's, and a wonderful summer to all!
Thank you to those who were able to come out to Murphy's (formerly Shea's) yesterday afternoon for our end-of-year celebration and general assembly meeting honoring this years' retiree's.
Laughs and spirited conversations were had by all!
Congratulations retiree class of 2024
As your well-deserved retirement approaches we celebrate the incredible journey of our retiring teachers, whose dedication, passion, and wisdom have shaped countless lives. Their unwavering commitment to education and nurturing spirits have left an indelible mark on all of us.
As each of you embark on this new chapter, may you find joy, peace, and new adventures. Thank you for your exceptional service and for making the world a better place, one student at a time. We will miss all of you dearly, but your legacy will live on in our hearts and minds forever.
With deepest gratitude and best wishes for the future,
Congratulations and best wishes in retirement go to:
Leslie Carzo-Pendergast (Pleasant Valley)
Barbara Eddy (SWHS)
Beth Goldman (TEMS)
Melissa Myette-Simmons (Philip R. Smith)
Andrea Marshall (Eli Terry)
SuAnn Ojard (TEMS)
Suzanne Robinson (Eli Terry)
Doreen Scibelli (Philip R. Smith)
Dana Silverman (TEMS)
Denise Wagner (Pleasant Valley)
Ann Wolff (SWHS)
Swea attends Annual Cea-ra and is honored!
Members of the executive board attended the annual CEA Representative Assembly as delegates. While there we elected new officers, voted on a budget, and voted on amendments to the constitution and bylaws.
SWEA was also awarded the Gold Award for local website design!
(You are currently looking at an award winning website)
may is Mental health awareness month
CEA is providing information regarding the role of mental health, as well as sharing resources and information to help those who may need mental health support.
Click here for more info
SWEA Board Members, Building Reps and members alongside Andrea Cofranesco, from SW Human Services, celebrate SWEA's annual donation to the Food and Fuel Bank during our annual holiday celebration at Lena's in South Windsor.
Once again SWEA members donated $2100 to help families in our community.
Swea Event - Lena's
Thanks to all those who were able to attend our holiday gathering at Lena's on Thursday, December 14th!
It was great to see everyone from across the district, and we're truly grateful for the shared laughter and good times that made the celebration special.
Let's go huskies
As a CEA member, you can save up to 20%
on upcoming UConn football home games,
home ice hockey games, and select basketball games.
Click here for info on the scheduled dates
The Sun to your school
The Connecticut Sun is holding monthly drawings for a chance for K-6 teachers to win a free basketball clinic for their students.
cea offering support
CEA has contracted with Positive Directions, the Center for Prevention and Counseling, to offer free mental health group counseling for educators that focuses on your mental health needs and will help you prevent burnout.
Click here to view brochure
swea meets with
boe candidates
boe candidates
At our most recent SWEA Rep Council meeting we assembled at Pleasant Valley Elementary School where we were joined by many candidates running for SW Board of Education. We were able to learn a little about each candidate as well as their vision for the future of education in South Windsor.
Thank you to all the candidates who were able to join us:
United Community Party
Mark Cabot, Emily Wilson
Democratic Party
Genevieve Coursey, Paul Macchi, Mitchell Marks, Michael Pare,
Craig Zimmerman
Republican Party
Lisa Maneeley, Beth Esstman, Kenna Kimber, Elena Poma,
Dipali Kalia
legislative wins for educators
Though the there is still more to accomplish, there are now numerous bills passed at the end of the legislative session that are aimed to improve working conditions.
Click here to learn more about the wins for teachers.

What you gain with swea/cea

Top 10 Reasons to Join

Strong v. Weak unions
CEA Representative Assembly
SWEA attends the 175th CEA-RA as delegates and voted on various business, amendments and budgetary items
RED-for-ed day of Action
04/27/23 -
A successful day at the capital in response to failed House Bills
Click here to read more about #RedforEd Day of Action
IT'S NOT OVER - What can you do to continue advocating for items in proposed House Bills 6884 and 6881?
Reactions to Legislators breakfast
Click here to read more
CEA's Campaign to highlight the postive impact of teachers
Visit, Because of a Teacher to see the impact teachers have made on people's lives and careers
Email From Eppler
"Greetings All,
Hopefully you all received the below email from CEA. Not only is this an important topic for all teachers, but it carries a bit of extra importance to SWEA, as you will notice one of the two endorsed candidates is long time South Windsor teacher, SWEA member, and SWEA treasurer Bill Myers. Having seen the work Bill did for many years firsthand, SWEA knows what an asset for teachers he would continue to be on the State Teachers' Retirement Board. Please make it a priority to cast your vote and let your voice be heard when the upcoming opportunity presents itself. " Matt
Cast your vote for State Retirement Board.
Click here to learn more about the candidates.
Applications Open
$2,000 CEA Award for
Teaching Excellence
$2,000 CEA Award for
Teaching Excellence
To find out more and apply click here
CEA responds to survey Results
CEA leaders and elected officials gather together to focus on solutions ahead of the 2023 legislative session.
swea represents and wins!
On July 11th SWEA executive board members proudly participated in the 27th annual,
CEA Hands Across the Green charity golf tournament.
SWEA represented well by winning the event against more than 35 teams from various school districts from around the state.
Various people-of-note in attendance were CT Governor Ned Lamont, Kate Diaz (CEA President), and John Hackett (former SWEA President)
Thank you to all who volunteered, donated, played and coordinated last Saturday's fantastic fundraising golf event
at East Hartford Golf Club.
The weather was glorious and
East Hartford Golf Club was once again a terrific host.
Click Here (or visit the Annual SWEA Events tab) to check out:
Tournament Results
Raffle Basket Winners
Pictures from the event
Statement from Education Stakeholder coalition
Condemning attacks against CT educators regarding curriculum. Click Here
September 17th, 2021
Friday evening over 125 colleagues, friends and family from all over the district enjoyed a wonderful evening at the final home game of the Yard Goats season.
Thank you for a terrific turnout and a fantastic evening!
March 13, 2021: South Windsor Teacher "Thank You" Day

Do you know of outstanding contributors to the education profession? Consider nominating a colleague, community member, or team for a CEA Grant or Award!
(click the link above for more information and to complete your nomination)