Please see the REVISED DCF (12/2019) information with a change in the liability for reporting electronically. Teachers reporting through the non-emergent on-line form WILL NOT be liable for situations that are later determined emergent but were reported electronically.
The November 2019 Professional Development at South Windsor High School provided the following information:
Teachers have 12-hours to report ANY emergent or non-emergent concerns to be investigated by DCF.
The 12-hours begins when you first become aware of the concern/issue.
YOUR schedule, DCF Careline hold time, etc. are NO EXCUSE for not reporting in the 12-hour period. You are liable for reporting in 12-hours, period. No exceptions.
Call administration (building or Ellsworth) immediately to obtain coverage to make the report to DCF. The district will support you!
When in doubt as to whether to file online or call the Careline, see the Guidelines below AND South Windsor Public School's guidelines for emergent (Careline call) and non-emergent (on-line form) reporting.
Emergent: DCF CareLine: 800.842.2288
Non-emergent: DCF On-line Form (district guidelines), e-mail form to DCF.referral@ct.gov