SWEA Scholarship
The Class of 2024 had the following SWEA scholarship recipients!
Riley Baker attending Purdue University
Abby Bergstrom attending North Carolina State University
William Federowicz attending Mitchell College
Bridget Hoffman attending UConn
James Keleher attending Lafayette College
Chiara Papa attending UConn
Andrew Utermarck attending Providence College
Congratulations to these deserving young adults and the best of luck as you further your educational goals.
The Class of 2023 had the following SWEA scholarship recipients!
Matthew Bullock (University of Connecticut),
Connor Flad (Bryant University),
Mackenzie Hall (University of North Carolina Wilmington),
Elizabeth Morgis (University of Rhode Island),
Liana Simmons (University of North Carolina Greensboro),
Andrew Singer (University of Missouri Columbia),
Greta Slater (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
The class of 2022 had the following SWEA scholarship recipients!
Scholarships were awarded to the children/grandchildren of SWEA members.
Congratulations to:
Kayden Burke (College of the Holy Cross), Kathryn Jennings (Roger Williams University),
Caroline Klein (Vassar College), Samuel Stackpole (Manchester Community College),
Taryn Suffish (Sacred Heart University), Amanda Walsh (Roger Williams University)
The class of 2021 had the following SWEA scholarship recipients!
Scholarships were awarded to the children/grandchildren of SWEA members.
Congratulations to:
Kylie Choutka (University of Rhode Island) , Sydney Eitel (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Maria Klosowski (UConn) , Alexis Ruiz (San Diego State University), Mary Singer (Brigham Young University) , Evan Smagacz (Manchester Community College), and Jacob Tipton (Nicols College)
The class of 2020 had the following SWEA scholarship recipients!
Scholarships were awarded to the children/grandchildren of SWEA members.
Congratulations to:
Ryan Bell (UConn) , Erin Camire (University of Vermont) , Katrina Doherty (UConn) ,
Mackenzie Eppler (Michigan State University), Annie Filingeri (Quinnipiac) , and
Alanna Mawhinney (Vassar).